Recent content by Erothots

  1. AOS APP [Tested] NP Manager v3.0.84 [Mod] [VIP]

  2. Help! Modding help

    Thanks everyone I will test it :pepe023:
  3. Help! Modding help

    Hi I need help to mod this code // RVA: 0x66F544 Offset: 0x66F544 VA: 0x66F544 Slot: 55 public virtual uint get_MaxHealthIncrease() { } The problem is that when I mod it, both the player and the monster are immortal. I just want the player to be immortal. Can anyone help me? I'm sorry I'm...
  4. Filled Request Maple Rush

    Mod :face09: ???
  5. Open Request Citampi Stories: Love Life RPG

    Can use lp to mod Purchase :pepe019:
  6. Filled Request Legend of Mushroom

    Can you send me the download link? :pepe009:
  7. Filled Request Legend of Mushroom

    How can the search speed be so fast?
  8. Tutorial Crazy list of HEX CODES

    Missing ARM64 LONG :pepe015:
  9. Open Request Lost Future

    Up :pepe019: