Recent content by GODS

  1. Solved Hooking getAbsoluteAddress return an error on LGL 2.9

    I figured it out last night before sleep, and i was like bruh I'm so dumb. Utils.h clearly show what's missing in my code. I deleted every single example when the project loaded, guess that's why I didn't see it. btw I noticed that there are 3 smali files instead of 1 when I decompile debug...
  2. Solved Hooking getAbsoluteAddress return an error on LGL 2.9

    Anyway if you encountered min sdk error or tool theme error because you update everything in the project, Simply go to gradle scripts - build.gradle ( change minSdkVersion to 21 or above. sdk 19 is for kitkat and 21 is for lolipop. just mention in your mod thread that min...
  3. Solved Hooking getAbsoluteAddress return an error on LGL 2.9

    I'll be straight forward here is the code. int (*old_get_Coin)(void *instance); int get_Coin(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL && coin){ //check if instance not null and coin is true return 888888; //if instance not null and coin is true then return 888888 } return...
  4. Tutorial How to modify Set Methods in Unity's il2cpp

    I suggest you to learn C++ first, then only you will understand what actually happened in that code and how you can hook it. Good place to learn C++ w3school. That will get you to understand the basic. First thing to remember when learning modding is, if you don't understand it then you're not...
  5. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    What mean Mod Merge Items? Cant you SS/Video this Mod Merge items? Watch the video I put in the post thread skip to 6+ minutes, I already explained all the features in that vid
  6. Tutorial How to modify Set Methods in Unity's il2cpp

    That's unusual way of using function pointer, I've feeling that will crash the game because it's not splitted. I'll try that in my next mod. Anyway thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.
  7. Tutorial How to modify Set Methods in Unity's il2cpp

    I have question, Let's say I've "Update" function and a "isKilled" function but it dont have additional parameters and it accept bool as return. So I create a hook for both Update and isKilled. Then create a function pointer for isKilled inside Update. Will this work? or is there any other way...
  8. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    Added 2 more feature, For non-root use VMOS to make it work on Eden Falls, as it require Google Play signed in. watch the tutorial
  9. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    I'll add new feature when I get home. Stay tune
  10. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    Fixed it but only for rooted device
  11. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    I've tried to recreate the bug on my end but nothing happened. Things you can try to counter this issue: 1.Disable all feature except Unlimited Chits during trade. 2. Disable Unlimited Chits after finish trading. Good luck and thank you for downloading this mod. Pardon me, I'll continue my sleep.
  12. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    Not tested till eden falls yet. Try and give me feedback
  13. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    Inside Android/Obb/ ... Create a folder and name the new folder like this Then paste the obb file from the link above inside this folder
  14. Outdated The Trail Ver.10111 MOD MENU APK | +7 Feature

    Enable unlimited favours and then spend it. you will get a lot of favours after that.