Recent content by jaimecd

  1. Help! Help with hook - *MOD MENU lgl 2.9*

    I can't make the hook. Nothing happens. T-T game: SHADOW LORD: LEGENDS KNIGHT *MOD MENU lgl 2.9* [Address(RVA = "0x6D76B0", Offset = "0x6D76B0", VA = "0x6D76B0")] private void Update() [FieldOffset(Offset = "0xFC")] private float totalDamage; bool Dmg = false; void (*old_Update)(void...
  2. Solved "Help with hook, please."

    "I am still a beginner and learning gradually. Thank you to everyone who responded."
  3. Solved "Help with hook, please."

    bool AtkToggle; long(*old_get_AttackPower)(void*instance); long get_AttackPower(void *instance) { if(instance != NULL && AtkToggle) { return 9999999l; } return old_get_AttackPower(instance); } HOOK_LIB("", "0x25520C0", get_AttackPower...
  4. Tool Offset Patcher for Android (FREE)

    "top :) It works for armv7 and armv8. Does it support int, float, bool, long, and void? Why is it different from the emulator's?"
  5. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    “The displacement is probably wrong”
  6. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    Game: Cowboy Town 1880 "I'm also facing the same issue. I can't establish the connection with the (long)."
  7. Tutorial Basic Hooking Tutorial

    How did you solve it?
  8. Help! Error opening modified Dark Throne game (T-T)

    Is that what you were trying to say NOP RET 1F2003D5 C0035FD6
  9. Help! Error opening modified Dark Throne game (T-T)

    What is the return for NOP in arm64-v8? How would it be?
  10. Help! Error opening modified Dark Throne game (T-T)

    "I used NOP-1F 20 03 D5 arm64-v8a on all CodeStage.AntiCheat.Detectors, but when I open the game it shows Security Error(-10). I need help pls." I used the HEX HxH.