Recent content by Leeberlin

  1. Tutorial Shadowgun Legends Aimbot source code

    "Config.h" how can i get this ?
  2. Tutorial [iOS] Using LLDB w/ Watchpoints and a memory editor to find and test offsets! [No IDA]

    memory write 0x10471e1c0 -s 4 0x8B35C11B what is mean here bro -s 4 ?
  3. Tool Il2CppDumper CLI compiled for macOS and Linux

    How can we dump mit Unityframework on MAC bro ? mit Metadata is good but most of game now change binary to Unity
  4. Tool Il2CppDumper CLI compiled for macOS and Linux

    Ok i got it running :D how can we change out put after dump ?
  5. Tutorial [iOS] How to Hack Simple Unity Games

    I saw that but i’m now changed from Window to Mac Os X so idk how can i use il2cppdumper cli. Can you help me bro, thanks very much
  6. Tutorial [iOS] How to Hack Simple Unity Games

    @Chewy hi bro , can you help me how can i run Il2cppdumper on MAC Catalina ?
  7. Tool Il2CppDumper CLI compiled for macOS and Linux

    i'm using before only on Window, i changed to MAC OS today so idk that. Sr bro
  8. Tool Il2CppDumper CLI compiled for macOS and Linux

    how can i install that bro ? Phams-iMac-Pro:~ root# usage: ./Il2CppDumper <executable-file> <global-metadata> -sh: syntax error near unexpected token `<'