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  1. Help! Hooking functions Zygisk IMGUI

    What exactly is your problem?
  2. Help! Hooking functions Zygisk IMGUI

    If you for some reason still see this I don't need help with any of this anymore
  3. Open Request Rec Room - Play and build with friends!

    Currency & Purchase related things won't happen but I could do the God Mode for you and other features you may request even though this is like 2 years old now lmao.
  4. Help! Can't create a string

    Late response but it works now. The last update when I was doing that broke the entire game mostly not like cheating wise but the update broke the game a lot. The current update everything is working now and the code you helped me with works perfectly. So thank you!
  5. Help! Obscured bool's!

    Im mainly talking about Metadata obfuscation getting around that because I can get more offsets and have a proper way to see parameters in a void using string literal instead of dealing with just a dump.cs also some of the obscured types I'm modding the correct offsets are contained in a...
  6. Help! Obscured bool's!

    Well Metadata obfuscation a.k.a encrypted older versions don't have encryption I tried using game guardian and if I modify the value to AF 1B FA like the metadata headers it instantly switches back
  7. Tutorial Make Esp For Unity Games, C++

    Thank you! I'm going to try this.
  8. Help! Obscured bool's!

    Well I only have a dump.cs not a full dump
  9. Help! Obscured bool's!

    I'm posting this for a reason I can't find anything with obscuredbool's realted to hooking wise
  10. Help! Obscured bool's!

    I need help with Obscured bools at the moment. I can hook voids floats into and boolean but I need help with modifying Obscured bool. Cause the offset I'm modifying is Obscured so it isn't the real pffsrt
  11. Help! Help with Obscured bool's

    There is literally nothing on obscured bools?
  12. Help! Help with Obscured bool's

    the game I'm currently modding I've already made a good amount of cheats for it's just I need help with obscured bool that's it. I can hook voids and all other offsets just need help with obscured
  13. Help! Help with Obscured bool's

    I Also my obscured offset isn't a field offset
  14. Help! Help with Obscured bool's

    I've seen that but does it work for obscured bool's?
  15. Help! Help with Obscured bool's

    Hello, I need help hooking Obscured Bool's at the moment. There's an offset I need and it's an obscured bool. If anyone can help me thanks!
  16. Help! Can't create a string

    I'm Slsosoi on Telegram
  17. Help! Can't create a string

    Is it possible if you have like a Discord cause I'd enjoy a lot of help on this you seem like you know a bit more
  18. Help! Can't create a string

    monoString* chathook = CreateString("Moddedd Text"); return old_LocalSendMessage(instance, chathook, true, true); my code worked when the game had a sbyte and value but now im trying to do it now that they added the int
  19. Help! Can't create a string

    monoString; monoString *CreateString(const char *str) { monoString *(*CreateString)(void *_this, const char *str, int start, int length) = (monoString *(*)(void *, const char *, int, int))(g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0xDDB6210"))); int length = (int)strlen(str)...
  20. Help! Can't create a string

    my offset looks like this btw private String CreateString(SByte* value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) { }
  21. Help! Can't create a string

    it It's still not working I added everything then did CreateIl2cppString("Example Value");
  22. Help! Can't create a string

    I'm gonna compile now and test it
  23. Help! Can't create a string

    monoString* CreateIl2cppString(const char* str) { monoString* (*String_CreateString)(const char* str, int startIndex, int length) = (monoString * (*)(const char*, int, int)) (g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0xDDB6210"))); int startIndex = 0; int length =...
  24. Help! Can't create a string

    monoString* CreateMonoString(const char* str) { monoString* (*String_Create)(const char* str, int startIndex, int length) = (monoString * (*)(const char*, int, int))(g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0xDDB6210"))); int startIndex = 0; int length = (int)strlen(str); return...
  25. Help! Can't create a string

    I tried that and it doesn't really work for me. My offset also looks like CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length) since they got rid of just sbyte and value one
  26. Help! Can't create a string

    monoString* CreateMonoString(const char* str) { monoString* (*String_CreateString)(const char* str, int* startIndex, int* length) = (monoString * (*)(const char*, int*, int*))(g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0xDDB6210"))); return String_CreateString(str, 0...
  27. Help! Can't create a string

    hello please let me know how u solved this! I have the same problem
  28. Help! Hooking Static Method

    How did you get around hooking a static void add_?