Tutorial How to modify VMOS stock ROM


PMT Elite Modder
Original poster
Staff member
Jun 27, 2017
Modding World
Modifying VMOS stock ROM is very easy since the stock ROM is a zip file lol
If you know how Android works, you can do it

Open APK using Winrar or 7zip

Go to assets and extract rootfs.zip file

Image 2020 01 10 16 03 07.png

Mbx files are the kernels I think. Idk but they are .ELF format

Open rootfs.zip and get started modifying it. You can edit init, add files, add apps, theming... whatever.

Image 2020 01 10 16 28 19.png

Changing permission isn't required, it's done automatically upon ROM installation.
And very important, nothing must contain spaces and symbols, otherwise it won't boot

This is an example I added Superuser in /system/apps

Image 2020 01 10 16 27 42.png

Hint: Superuser came from settings.apk.

When you are done, put back rootfs.zip in APK file. Sign the APK using APK Easy Tool

To see the ROM changes, clear data or reinstall it.